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The Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life

The Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life - Yesterday we sharing about Foods of Prostate Cancer Prevention and today we will sharing Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life. The lungs are the organs of the respiratory system (respiration) and is associated with the circulatory system (circulation) vertebrates that breathe air. Its function is to exchange oxygen from the air with carbon dioxide from the blood. The process is called "external breathing" or breathing. The lungs also have nonrespirasi function. Medical terms related to the lung often begin in pulmo-, from the Latin word for pulmones lungs.

Maintaining the health of the lungs can be done in various ways:
1. Avoid cigarettes
2. Avoid Air Pollution
3. Regular exercise
4. Avoid stress
5. Breathe through the nose
6. Consume foods containing beta-carotene.

Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life : Courtesy photo : www.wikihow.com

And Here The Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life :

1. sweet potato

Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life
Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life : Courtesy : sheismynutritionist.com

Orange sweet potato is the best food rich in betacarotene. Each portion 100g sweet potato provides 9444μg beta-carotene so it can improve the capacity of the lungs. The sweet potato is also known as a rich source of antioxidants, as well as a source of vitamin C, D, B6, and minerals such as iron and magnesium. The sweet potato effectively reduce the signs of skin aging, fight the flu virus, help increase energy, improve mood and promote the growth of healthy skin, teeth and bones.

2. carrot

Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life
Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life : Courtesy : www.organicfacts.net

Everyone knows that carrots are not just good for rabbits, but also good for human health because it is rich in beta-carotene. A serving of carrots 100g can already fulfill the needs 8285μg Beta Carotene can improve lung capacity. Also rich in vitamin A, so the carrot is also very beneficial for heart health and dental. Carrots are also useful to improve vision, against early signs of aging and nourish the skin.

3. turnip greens

Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life
Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life

Usually used as a spicy addition to soups and salads, but this vegetable itself is not green as its name suggests. Radish contains Beta Carotene 6952μg to per 100g portion that could increase lung capacity. These vegetables also High calcium and glocosinolates, and known to be effective for cancer prevention and for building healthy bones and teeth.

4. Mustard greens

Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life
Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life. Courtesy photos : www.vegkitchen.com

This beloved green leafy vegetables also provide beta-carotene, which is 6300μg perporsi 100g. Besides mustard is also an excellent source of vitamin K, C and E, and antioxidants that help ward off the effects of free radicals that cause cell damage. Not only can improve lung capacity, Vitamin K is also found in mustard helpful to prevent blood clots.

5. Spinach

Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life
Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life. Courtesy photos : www.simplyrecipes.com

"Eat Spinach", is a common doctrine which was introduced parents to children, why not? The answer is the green vegetables are an integral part of the growth, rich in antioxidants, builders bones and teeth, and contain iron as an ingredient to make hemoglobin. Spinach is also a rich source of beta-carotene, which is the content of 5626μg perporsi around 100g. Not only can improve lung capacity, spinach also contains millions of other benefits.

6. Spices / dried herbs

Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life
Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life. Courtesy : herbvietnam.com
Generally added to the soup and broth. All types of dried herbs or spices are rich in beta-carotene that could increase lung capacity and is packed with vitamins and minerals.

7. Pumpkin and pumpkin nut

Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life
Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life. Courtesy Photos : tealightfultea.com

Half a cup of canned pumpkin provides approximately 953 mg of vitamin A and only 42 kalori.Vitamin A pumpkin in the form of beta-carotene.

Pumpkin nuts contain Beta Carotene around 4570μg perporsi 100g. Besides this sweet orange vegetables are also high in fiber and low in fat, and rich in antioxidants. Thus, pumpkin is a food that could increase lung capacity.

8. Cabbage

Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life
Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life. Courtesty photo : www.medicalnewstoday.com

Closely related to mustard greens, cabbage also provides beta-carotene that could increase lung capacity. In addition, cabbage also contains many important vitamins and minerals that we get every day.

The above foods can increase lung capacity because it contains beta-carotene. Nevertheless, consuming food on the excess is not good for health.

A study found that beta carotene actually increases the risk of lung cancer, especially in people who smoke or who have been exposed to asbestos. Therefore, for these people are advised not to take beta-carotene supplements and limiting foods that contain these compounds. If you want to get the intake of vitamin A, it can look for sources other than beta-carotene.

Although beta-carotene is a compound that is generally useful but should Tidaki consume too much. Besides increasing the risk of specific cancer in smokers, beta carotene that too much may cause carotenemia or carotenodermia. This condition is generally not harmful to health, but it can be a precursor to more dangerous conditions. Carotenemia or carotenodermia is a condition that causes the skin to turn yellow.

In addition to consuming foods that can improve lung capacity above, there are several ways to increase lung capacity.

1. Sports
2. Breathing exercises
3. Playing brass
4. Exercise at high altitudes
5. Lifestyle (So it's not just the food above are able to increase lung capacity, foods that contain vitamin C and vitamin E also can increase lung capacity)

It is Food that can Improve lung capacity for Health Life. Hope it useful :)

Tag : Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life,Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life, Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life, Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life, Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life, Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life,Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life, Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life, Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life,Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life, Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life, Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life, Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life, Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life, Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life, Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life, Foods that can improve lung capacity for Healthy Life

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