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How to Prevent Heart Disease?

How to Prevent Heart Disease?In general, the main function of the heart is to pump blood throughout the body and to hold them back after cleaning lungs. This means that the function of the heart of man is as a tool or blood-pumping organ in humans. At that time the heart to provide sufficient oxygen and blood flows throughout the body, as well as cleansing the body darih metabolism (carbon dioxide). So as to fulfill the functions of the heart collects oxygen deficient blood from the entire body and then pumps it to the lungs, the blood in the heart by way of taking in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. At the heart of oxygen-rich blood from the lungs is pumped to tissues throughout the human body.

How to Prevent Heart Disease
How to Prevent Heart Disease. Courtesy : en.wikipedia.org

Increasing age a person, will greatly affect the functionality of the heart itself. This means that because the heart is working continuously for human life, will affect the ability of the heart function will gradually decline. And it will be a drastic reduction in heart function if there are other circumstances that affect the function of the heart itself. For example an infection of the heart muscle or muscle membrane myocarditis or pericarditis, decreased oxygen due to constriction of blood vessels that supply them are often referred to as coronary heart disease, increased muscle mass due to increased pressure, and so forth.

How it Works?

The heart works through the mechanism of repeated and continuous progress which is also referred to as a cardiac cycle so that visually seen or referred to as the heartbeat. Through the mechanism of intermittent, heart berkonstraksi for emptying the heart and relaxation in order to fill with blood. In the cycle, the heart did a systole period is the period when contracts and empties its contents (blood), and the period of diastole that period relaxation and blood filling of the heart. Both porch loosen and contract simultaneously, and the two chambers also loosens and contracts simultaneously also to do such a mechanism.

Heart muscle cells to contract for the purpose of pumping blood triggered by an action potential and spread through the muscle cell membrane. When the contractions, the heart becomes pulsed "rhythmic", it is a result of their action ptensi posed by the activities of self-heart itself. The incident was caused by a heart have a mechanism to get the power it creates its own to make the contraction or pumping and relaxation. The mechanism of action that causes the flow of electricity is influenced by several kinds of electrolytes such as K +, Na +, and Ca ++. Therefore, when an interruption occurs in the body of the electrolyte levels will also cause disruption in electricity flow mechanism in a human heart.

The heart muscle generates electrical currents and spread to tissues around the heart and delivered through the fluids contained by the body. So that a small portion of this electrical activity reaches up to the surface of the body, for example on the surface of the chest, back or wrist on the hand, and this can be detected or recorded by using a special tool called ElectroKardioGram (ECG). So the function of ECG is recorded electrical activity in body fluids are stimulated by electric current heart that appears to reach the body surface. Various components of the ECG recordings can be correlated with a variety of specific processes in the heart. ECG can be used to diagnose abnormal heart rate, heart rhythm disorders, as well as damage to the heart muscle. This is caused by the presence of electrical activity that can trigger activity mechanically, so in case of abnormal electrical patterns, it is usually also accompanied by abnormalities mechanical or human cardiac muscle.

Each blood ran out of oxygen and blood contains too many dirty (carbondiocsida), of the entire body flows through two large veins toward the right ventricle. This took place after the right atrium filled with blood, which in turn pushes the blood into the right ventricle. Are then pumped through the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery leading to the lungs. Lung-rays of blood flow through vessels called capillaries are very small, and the surrounding air pockets in the lungs to absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide to drain the blood into the pulmonary veins to the left atrium sticks. Circulation of blood between the right heart, lungs and the left atrium called the pulmonary circulation. When blood is in the left atrium, then pushed toward the left ventricle, da next will pump clean blood through the valve into the aorta aurta which is the largest artery in the human body. In the oxygen-rich blood except in the lungs, it also provided for the benefit of the entire human body.

Here are 10 ways to prevent heart disease:

1. Stop smoking. 

How to Prevent Heart Disease
How to Prevent Heart Disease. Courtesy : offthemerry-go-round.com

Cigarette smoking is not good for heart health, then immediately stop this practice to prevent heart disease in order to stay healthy heart.

2. Consumption of antioxidants. 

How to Prevent Heart Disease
How to Prevent Heart Disease. Courtesy : www.caloriesecrets.net

Air pollution, motor vehicle fumes or smoke created the emergence of free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause ulcers or deposition in blood vessels that can cause blockages. To remove the content of free radicals in the body, the need for antioxidants that will catch and throw. Antioxidants can be obtained from a wide variety of fruits and vegetables to prevent heart disease.

3. Know your blood pressure, and do whatever, that reached number 115/75

How to Prevent Heart Disease
How to Prevent Heart Disease. Courtesy : www.goredforwomen.org

Know your blood plessure may be even more important than your cholesterol. And, you can reduce this pressure alone. The best way? Exercise regularly, and reduce fat in the abdomen. Why? as this fat cover organs important, so, so organs this could work better, it takes the blood pressure more. So, when the reduced abdominal fat, blood pressure needed will decrease drastically.

4. Eat 250gr Nuts every day. 

How to Prevent Heart Disease
How to Prevent Heart Disease. Courtesy : cravingsomethinghealthy.com

Nuts will increase good cholesterol, HDL, and decrease inflammation. Nuts also helps nourish the heart with reasons that remain unclear. Nuts have high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids, has a high protein and fiber.

5. Try to find out your HDL level and try to work up in the value of 50. 

How to Prevent Heart Disease
How to Prevent Heart Disease. Courtesy : www.newhealthcorp.com

For women, high HDL value is much better than lower LDL. For some reason, but clearly, the higher the value of HDL, the better (50 already included nice). The easiest way to increase its value is to exercise, less alcohol, eating foods with healthy fats, such as olive, canola. Pantothenic acid (vit. B5) can also help.

6. Do not eat saturated oils setuap more than 20 grams a day, and use the trans oil as little as possible. 

How to Prevent Heart Disease
How to Prevent Heart Disease. Courtesy : www.livingfoodsmakeover.com

Saturated fat and trans fat will cause inflammation of the arteries. Cinnamon roll (cinnamon buns) has 7 grams of saturated fat. Oil trans (eg in butter or margarine), often found in processed foods or baked in the oven.

7. Reduce consumption of alcohol and if necessary stop

How to Prevent Heart Disease
How to Prevent Heart Disease. Courtesy : play.google.com

I myself still unclear, but alcoholic beverages such as beer and wine have anti - inflammatory. But often found that those who drank no alcohol at all, actually have higher chances of heart attack than those who drank sedikit2. O yeah! drink seven glasses a day is not the same effect dengna drink 1 glass per day!

8. Eat nine servings of vegetables and fruit every day. 

How to Prevent Heart Disease
How to Prevent Heart Disease. Courtesy : www.pinterest.com

Fruits and vegetables are full of fiber. Try pelan2 increase in number in 2-6 weeks. because if the number has increased dramatically, even less ok results, and affect your own digestion !.

9. Walking for 30 minutes every day! No reason !, and then after that, try calling someone. 

How to Prevent Heart Disease
How to Prevent Heart Disease. Courtesy : das.iowa.gov

Street half an hour each day, lowering the risk of heart attack by about 30 percent. This kind of test for you, if you successfully do this, chances are you'll start doing kompromi2 another. Telephone with others is a very important step: because it will reinforce your commitment. O well, try calling your female counterparts, because they will be more supportive of you.

10. Avoid Stress. 

How to Prevent Heart Disease
How to Prevent Heart Disease

Stress is very difficult to avoid when living in big cities like Jakarta, known as congestion and preoccupations. When a person experiences stress, the body will release the hormone cortisol which causes blood vessels to become stiff. Hormone norepinephrine to produce the body when suffering from stress, which may increase blood pressure. Thus, it is good if you avoid stress either in the office or at home.

That's Artikel 'How to Prevent Heart Disease'. Hope it useful..

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1 komentar:

  1. It's a very helpful article, in fact when it comes to health; there is nothing more important than managing to eat healthy food and doing exercise regularly.

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