HOW TO PREVENT (PREVENTION) KIDNEY DISEASE - HOW TO PREVENT (PREVENTION) KIDNEY DISEASE - Kidney disease is a systemic disease. If not immediately addressed, would lead to the onset of diseases - diseases. Especially when it comes to experiencing acute deterioration of renal function, it will experience what is called kidney failure. If a person has been exposed to the disease to kidney failure, usually require expensive treatment, for patients with acute renal disease will be advised to do dialysis, at least one week 3. In addition to dialysis, other alternatives for patients with kidney failure is a kidney transplant. If selected patients with chronic renal failure is a kidney transplant, then it must be ensured the availability of donor kidneys and well thought out treatment after a kidney operation, which is certainly not the least costly. organ ginjalTidak few people eventually give up the face of kidney failure due to the unavailability of both charges, as well as psychological factors patients with kidney disease itself as well as psychological pressures facing families of patients in the long term. Therefore, as a precautionary measure, it is necessary for us to know what the kidneys, the function of how, what our steps in order to avoid kidney disease, as well as any kind of treatment to be able to cope with kidney disease.



Kidneys are vital organs in the body that has a filter function and cleanses the blood. Kidney has the shape resembles a pea and has a size of 11 cm x 6 cm x 3 cm. Number of kidneys in our body are two weighing approximately 120 grams to 170 grams for adults. The layout of the kidney is attached to the back wall of the abdominal cavity. The kidneys will dispose of substances - unused and will absorb substances - and the water that still has benefits for the body according to their needs. The smallest unit of the kidney that perform these functions is the nephron. Each one kidney, there are about one million nephrons. Nephron consists of a bun - bun wrapped in a blood vessel by a hoop (Bowman). Kidney will also get the blood supply approximately 25 percent of the blood pumped heart, which is about 1300 ml. Some of the other renal function are as follows:
• Set the blood pressure (through the action of the enzyme renin into the system reninangiostensin- adosteron)
• Serving regulate body fluid balance, electrolyte and acid-base.
• Volunteer to make the red blood cell maturation process, through the work of the hormone erythropoietin
• Maintaining healthy bones (prevents bone loss / osteoporosis), through the work of hormone Calcitriol (vitamin D3) by the parathyroid glands.


There are several types of kidney disease, kidney disease, namely primary and secondary renal disease. Kidney disease can be either primary kidney infection (pyelonephritis), inflammation of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis), kidney disease because of a blockage (obstructive) that can result in kidney stones or urinary tract itself, because of poisoning

drugs - drugs, kidney tumors fiber congenital kidney disease (renal cysts). The secondary renal disease is kidney disease, but it is part of other diseases. Kidney disease can be caused by other diseases, such as urate nephropathy is kidney disease due to uric acid levels high blood pressure, kidney disease diabetic kidney disease caused by patients with diabetes / diabetes, an autoimmune disease (systemic lupus erythematosus), as well as due to infectious disease patients malaria, tuberculosis, or leptospirosis, hypertension (high blood pressure), or in patients with dehydration (lack of fluid) due to bleeding or due to gastroenteritis (vomiting and diarrhea).


The early symptoms of kidney disease are sometimes perceived or realized by patients with kidney disease itself. This is because the kidney disease usually does not necessarily show symptoms. But the pattern of this disease are, in general, slowly and quietly, until sometimes not realized by people with kidney disease itself. Usually people with kidney disease realized her disease if renal function've lived 25 percent or lower than that. Symptoms of kidney disease will be marked by headache (more due to high blood pressure), nausea accompanied by vomiting, body feels weak are not powered, looked pale skin appear due to lack of blood and the accumulation of urea and creatinine (toxins in the blood). Due to the sign - a sign of kidney disease is similar to other diseases, sometimes going the wrong diagnosis, such patients are considered attacked FLU, or ulcer and others - others. Thus, often a patient arrived - arrived convicted by a doctor has been suffering from chronic kidney failure and require dialysis or transplantation, due to not getting help from the beginning. There are several symptoms that may be used as a handle for the possibility of developing kidney disease. Symptoms - symptoms include:

1. Urine bleeding (hematuria)

These symptoms arise could be caused by kidney stones, glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidney due to an autoimmune process or damaging immune organ itself), renal cell death (necrosis) due to drug intoxication, and so forth.

2. The eyelids and legs (lower leg) have swelling

These symptoms usually occur in the morning. That is because the kidneys are no longer able to remove the water (glomerulonephritis) or with renal failure. Or it could be because there has been a leakage in the kidney so that it will hold a blood protein that serves to maintain water in the blood vessels. This causes the water to seep into the soft tissue. Such conditions can be found in lupus nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and in diabetic nephropathy (diabetes).

3. Renal colic

Ie pain around the waist behind the intermittent or continuous. Renal colic can be caused by kidney stones.

4. The urine does not come out suddenly (acute anuria)

This condition usually occurs in patients with chronic renal failure. Once we know the symptoms - symptoms mentioned above, it is proper for us to be aware of the possibility of kidney disease in our bodies. Therefore, before its too late, immediately consult your doctor or the nearest hospital so that we get the right diagnosis and accurate. Because the hospital is usually supported by the equipment - adequate medical equipment, such as laboratories or equipment - other equipment. Or you can also do an ultrasound (ultrasound) as well as radiological examinations (x-rays) that we are increasingly confident of the diagnosis of the illness.


As we attempt to make prevention tehadap terserangnya possibility of kidney disease, then the following measures - preventive measures so that we avoid kidney disease. Among others :

1. Increase consumption of drinking water


To keep the kidneys to keep it functioning well, one of them with emphasis on drinking water. Therefore, we are encouraged to drink water as much as 10 cups (approximately 2000 ml) per day. Point for the availability of water in the body are met, so that the blood volume in the body enough. If enough blood volume, renal blood flow into the well. And if renal blood flow is good, then the work will also be good ginjalpun. In addition, the supply of adequate water will help keep the maintenance of the rate of filtration (filtration) kidney. This will prevent the buildup of crystals - crystals that can potentially form kidney stones and increases the flow pressure, so will expedite the removal of toxins - toxins (substances - useless) in the body.

2. Variations in diet should be balanced


Get used to run a balanced diet. That is, in kengkonsumsi daily diet should pay attention to the balance between nutrition, vitamins, proteins and minerals needed by the body. Excess protein content will only increase the burden on the kidneys to remove the rest - the rest of the dairy. While the daily diet variation, precisely will help avoid a heap of leftover processed (metabolic waste) in the smallest unit of the kidney filter.

3. Exercise regularly


Familiarize yourself exercising regularly will make a smooth blood circulation, so that the heart be healthy. If your heart is healthy, the blood flow to the kidneys also be good, and ginjalpun functioning normally. For that do light exercise such as jogging, walking, cycling, swimming or other regular basis, at least 3 to 5 times a week, respectively - each for about 30 minutes.

4. Be careful in the use of drugs

The use of drugs beyond the recommendation could be precisely detrimental to health itself. Because each drug, particularly a drug - chemical medicines, generally have side effects. So instead of making a healer, but on the contrary, would be toxic to the body. Seek advice by a doctor or other medical treatment, if you want to use drugs - drugs chemically. Besides, it is also advisable to be alert to preaching - preaching about the benefits of herbs, especially medicine - herbal medicines are not yet widely known to have efficacy - certain properties. Because usually drugs - drugs of this type does not include substances in the packaging of the drug itself. Except drugs - drugs that have been proven and widely known health benefits, such as honey, cumin, curcuma, bitter leaf and so on.

5. Perform periodic examination

As a precaution and further examination, regular health checks need to be done. Be it general check - up (overall examination), as well as the examination to the laboratory, in particular the examination of urine and blood in order to know the levels of creatinine in the blood and toxins - poisons the body. So that we can anticipate if there are things - things that need to be addressed.

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